Air Amplifiers
A simple, low cost way to move air, smoke, fumes, and light materials. Air Amplifiers utilize the coanda effect, a basic principle of fluidics, to create air motion in their surroundings. Using a small amount of compressed air as their power source, Air Amplifiers pull in large volumes of surrounding air to produce high volume, high velocity outlet flows. Quiet, efficient Air Amplifiers will create output flows up to 25 times their consumption rate.
Air Amplifiers have no moving parts, assuring maintenance-free operation. No electricity is required. Flow, vacuum and velocity are easy to control. Outlet flows are easily increased by opening the air gap. Supply air pressure can be regulated to decrease outlet flow. Both the vacuum and discharge ends of the Air Amplifier can be ducted, making them ideal for drawing fresh air from another location, or moving smoke and fumes away. Cycle time is dramatically reduced when aluminum castings are cooled with the high volume airflow of two Air Amplifiers.
Super Air Amplifiers™ use EXAIR patented technology that boosts the amount of airflow through the air amplifier. Additional free air (room air) is pulled through the unit while delivering a more balanced flow, making the Super Air Amplifier 3 times quieter than other air amplifiers.
Adjustable Air Amplifiers™ have good amplification ratios and are available in many sizes. They are infinitely adjustable by turning the exhaust end to open or close the air gap (no shims are required). This permits easy adjustment where the individual can choose the exact amount of airflow necessary for the application.